Mississippi Trappers Association

We are Promoting the Highest Standards of Sportsmanship in Mississippi

Upcoming Events

       Well it’s finally that time of year again everybody. These cool nights and mornings we are starting to experience sure have a way of giving a lot of us that anxious feeling. I hope you all have your traps and equipment ready to go.

The fur market still looks rather bleak. I have been seeing some market reports that show an increase in muskrat and Western coyotes seem to be holding up pretty well. That doesn’t help most of us out any, but some positive news is always better than totally negative news for sure.

This year would be a great time to take a kid or a friend and introduce them to trapping. The more people that we can expose to our way of life the better. Times like these are also good opportunities to try some new equipment or experiment with some different attractants. The main thing is to just enjoy trapping and not worry about the number of animals you catch.

We will be hosting our annual fur sale at the Kosciusko coliseum February 26th. Look forward to seeing you there and best of luck on the trap line this season.

God Bless, Marty

Keeping The Tradition Alive

Membership Information

To join the Mississippi Trappers Association just fill out our Membership Application by clicking here.

Make payment (Check or Money Order) made payable to:

Mississippi Trappers Association

Then mail form and payment to:

Mississippi Trappers Association
188 Stillhouse Creek Drive
Madison, MS 39110


Facebook Forum

Please ask to join our private Facebook Group to stay in contact with members.

This will be replacing the old style forums which have gone the way of typewriters and cassette tapes!

Mississippi Trappers Association T Shirts Now Available!

Show your support for the Mississippi Trappers Association and that we are “Keeping the Tradition Alive” for future generations! Support the Association and get a high quality shirt at the same time! All shirts are postage paid to your home.

MS Trappers Association T Shirt

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The Mississippi Trappers Association reserves the right to reject any and all applicants.